Meet the Ganimals

Meet the Ganimals is a collaborative social experiment to interact with new species of AI-generated animals, and breed your own. Help explore the diversity of creatures generated by a deep neural network, and help produce new generations ganimals by providing feedback on the ganimals. This data helps the algorithm adaptively learn to produce cute, creepy, and realistic ganimals.

Deep Angel

Deep Angel is an artificial intelligence that erases objects from photographs. Part art, part technology, and part philosophy, Deep Angel shares Angelus Novus' gaze into the future.

With the platform, you can explore the future of automated media manipulation by either uploading your own photos, submitting a public Instagram account to the AI, or trying to detect fake images.

Deep Angel was featured at Ars Electronica in 2019.

AI Spirits

All over the world, AI spirits are emerging...

Object removal algorithms have the power to vanish people from images. But this process can be inverted to generate phantasms in those images. Using object mask generation, generative in-painting and image-to-image translation, we created an end-to-end pipeline to conjure AI Spirits into being. This work commemorates those missing via algorithmic omission, and merges photography with GAN imagery.

AI Spirits was featured in the NeurIPS AI Art Gallery

Spam Art

In the early days of the internet, email spam was an eclectic yet pervasive part of the digital world. Despite being a nuisance, its euntrepreneurial authenticity spoke to a web that was transparent, absurd and clear in intention. Now, the world is steeped in the hypermediation of targetted advertisement, digital a/b testing and the commodification of social media. Instead of the internet with traces of spam, we now consume spam with traces of the internet.